ANTi zine is now accepting submissions for our next issue: all about consumerism (with the holidays coming up!). the zine will be published in november 2024. the deadline to submit is october 26.

please e-mail your submission(s) along with how you would like to be credited (artist name, pronouns, instagram handle, website, etc) to

you can submit anything that can be printed! included but not limited to: photos, collage, illustration, writing (fiction and non-fiction), scans of found objects, etc! but also, if there is a video or other digital media that you made that cannot be printed - i can put the link to the video in the zine w/screenshots. i am open to that!

*** TERMS ***

by submitting to ANTi zine, you give the publisher/editor (me, mia) permission to use your images and writings in a potentially transformative way. i make each zine page by hand, scan the pages onto my laptop, then format the zine digitally. since i make each issue by hand, i cut and collage images to create each page. this might mean that your image bleeds over an entire page or spread, or it may be printed, cut, and pasted onto a page with other elements. if you have specific instructions for presenting your work in the zine, you must let me know in the original submission email.

you will be credited - if you would like to remain anonymous, please let me know.

** please note: the zine itself is not for sale and can be printed and distributed freely. However, I do charge $3 (b/w) or $5 (color) for a requested printed copy of the zine to account for time spent printing, collating, and stapling; as well as considering shipping and printing costs.

Thank you!